work areas
Over the years, our work has grown to address 5 key areas. We develop holistic solutions with our partners to tackle the big challenges in their urban spaces.
Our urban art experts have an expanded toolbox of skills to transcend your spaces whether you want more urban safety, street buzz, local empowerment or just more inspiring cityscapes. As no two situations are ever the same, all projects are naturally adapted to your needs, locations, local voices and budget.
ready to make your city more creative?
✘ Urban art & Murals
Our core expertise is facilitating mural art projects! These artworks have a unique ability to tell stories and build distinct atmospheres in their surrounding spaces. But this potential comes with a complex set of underlying dynamics that very few master. We have dedicated our work to help cities and neighborhoods unlock the potential of urban art and large-scale murals.
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✘ Urban safety
The appearance of a public space influences the state of mind of the both the individual and the community as a whole. If one does not feel safe in the surrounding areas, most other efforts become irrelevant. Meeting poorly maintained and neglected places can create barriers to community engagement. Examining the ways perceived safety and art intersect is one of our main areas of focus. Through various projects and partnerships, we want to revitalize neglected or unsafe spaces through art and culture.
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✘ Creative city brand
We want creative cities! Strategies to draw attraction and economic prosperity lie in city marketing and place-branding. Using creative city brand strategies, we want to to activate culture and creativity for city branding, bringing urban transformation and growing the cultural industry. This is a new trend in urban planning and policy making. Each community, city and country has a unique ‘personality’, we want to harness this and show it off!
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✘ Local engagement
There are many forms of citizen and local engagement. We believe there is an enormous potential in using urban art and creative projects to foster this engagement. Street Studies believes the power lies in the individual from local citizens, artists, decision makers etc. and is contextual on the micro-level. We can draw inspiration from other places, but every transformation needs to be contextualized to its native setting. With the individual at the center, we take a facilitating role through various creative processes and use art and urban themes to engage the local citizens.
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✘ Research
In Street Studies, as simple as it sounds, we believe knowledge is vital to moving forward. Academic research is one way we as a society advance our understanding of the world. It's hard to overstate the importance of nuancing problems and see various connections to possible solutions - in order to have a qualified guess of what we need to do today, to reach a better tomorrow.
Urban arts and it's role in society is rarely investigated despite it's huge popularity and ability to transform neighborhood atmospheres. We are filling in this gap by providing a new hub for urban arts research. Through our network of researchers and professionals, our aim is to get more research and documentation on the complex dynamics of urban arts in its various forms and contexts.
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