The appearance of a public space influences the state of mind of the individual and the community as a whole. If one does not feel safe in the surrounding areas, most other efforts become irrelevant. We want to revitalize neglected or unsafe spaces through art and culture.
urban art
as a transformation tool
Changing perceptions
Art has the power to change perceptions. It can change both an outsider’s perspective of the people and place - as well as a community member’s perception of themselves and their neighborhood. Art is a powerful tool for changing those narratives.
Empowering at-risk youth through contribution to the creative process
Urban art supports local crime prevention initiatives by engaging at-risk youth in meaningful ways. The rich social history of urban arts and hip hop expresses authenticity that many of these youth respond to, giving them something "cool" to involve themselves in. While engaged, opportunities for character-building arise, giving them alternatives to current anti-social patterns.
RepaIring damage and visual cues
Research suggests that there are public safety benefits to the economic development and aesthetic qualities created by revitalizing buildings and public spaces. Art projects such as light installations and muralism are impactful creative solutions in this regard. Not only do these elements address the maintenance issues, but they will also give way for increased visual safety cues. This provides a sense of caring for the area, increasing overall perceived safety for everyone.
Connecting people to place
Art spaces, events and installations can connect community members across cityscapes by serving as a magnet for social connection and foot traffic. This buzz helps keep urban spaces safe by providing helpful eyes in the street, according to the revered place activist Jane Jacobs.

Everybody needs to feel safe in their daily environment. It’s a VERY basic need, connected to atmospheres, visual impressions and to the indivudal conception of a neighbourhood’s reputation as either safe or dangerous. Visual appeal and narratives matter!
— Steffen Gray, Chairman of Street Studies

sense - engage - transform - thrive
Many professionals from differing felds offer each a piece of the puzzle towards safer and more cared-for urban spaces. However, two topics keep emerging in conversations in urban safety: citizens’ perceived safety and the visual appearance of their surroundings. The first can be improved by efforts in engagement, local ambassadorship, social cohesion and storytelling. The visual appearance of the area can be changed through impressive street art galleries and other creative elements, providing positive associations and implying an artistic caring presence.
Our safety consultants come from multi-disciplinary backgrounds with many years experience of spotting problematic urban spaces and elements. Based on their assessments, they can help you get the right feedback and clarify meaningful urban safety efforts in your area.
Urban safety checks
Collaboration with local crime prevention authorities
Facilitation of at-risk youth programs
Development of action plans and strategies for visual maintenance of vulnerable urban spaces

Get kick-started on your participatory urban safety efforts! With a visit from one of our urban safety specialists, you will receive a report outlining transformation potentials. Included in all the safety checks are:
A description of our initial impressions
An evaluation of which typical 'perceived safety' risks you could be facing
3-5 recommendations on how to make your surroundings safer
More in-depth elements can be added to the check, based on your needs. A special intro-format is offered to new partners.
What do you get?
The Intro check
Site visit
Expert quick findings and recommendations one-pager
The Standard check
All of the above
Dialogue with local democratic boards
Focus areas plotted on a map
The Extended check
All of the above
A more detailed assessment of the above
A full day in the area, doing focus-interview, summarized in findings.
Contact us for more information and prices.
What happens after the check?
The safety checks are our “get started”-service, easily used by everyone. We tailor-make all projects to suit your specific area and situation, in most forms and all sizes. Our experienced organizers will guide you safely through common strategies and provide you with valuable tips and tricks from the field.
Below are 3 case examples, where you can see the potential projects to create safe and inspiring spaces.
1 | Tunnel Makeover
Dark and neglected tunnels is a recurring theme when we ask communities to give feedback on the most unsafe areas in their neighborhood; however, they are vital for mobility and traffic safety. Transforming the tunnels into urban art galleries solves this characteristic challenge. Artist-led projects working with local residents and businesses make the tunnels and underpasses a safer and more pleasant environment.
Inspiring art encourages walkability and an increased feeling of safety. As the tunnels are perceived as cared for, natural imagination and association of illegal or dangerous activities is reduced.
Transforming it into a urban arts gallery creates new experience dynamics; either as a unique and constantly evolving space or a carefully curated artwork. If tunnels are seen as safer and more enjoyable, we believe it emphasises it's core functionality as a vital connecting route for the locals.
Case Example: Greve safer tunnels, greve Municipality
2 | At-risk Youth Job Programs
As communities take on a role of social stewardship, we need to look beyond formal ways of engaging with locals. We advocate for including at-risk youth, as it has many positive implications:
building self-esteem and sense of ownership
revitalizing disenfranchised communities
offering people a place to express themselves through visual means
providing them with a source of income
This process puts creative responsibility in the hands of these youths, giving them a bit of social and often economic earning and something to be proud of. They often see a more constructive role in society and it empowers them. These activities can be integrated into municipal graffiti management and maintenance plans.
We experience that including these user groups leads to reduced graffiti vandalism, and instead gains local support for vibrant, colorful street art.
Case Example: SPP & FRAK
3 | Planning & Designing for Community Engagement
Community engagement works best when it is an ongoing process, enabling relationships and trust-building as the partnerships strengthen over time. One-time events and activities should be planned and designed with a greater effort for social change and impact in mind. Significant results occur over time, as awareness and motivation starts to build in the neighborhoods.
Street Studies has created an in-depth and customizable toolkit, providing guidance as well as a plan on how to include community engagement with a focus on safety.
We can help you plan, facilitate or evaluate your community engagement. These engagement efforts can include:
✘ Workshops & Focus Groups
Allow people to discuss ideas in an open, constructive and relaxed atmosphere
✘ Public Interventions
Consult large numbers of people and gather informal feedback
✘ Community Mapping
Use maps and photographs of an area or specific location to illustrate various perspectives and priorities
Case Example: Greve Safer Tunnels 2018, greve municipality
Transforming public spaces and tunnels happens to be our specialty. If you have a project in mind, don't hesitate to contact us!
The project is a collaboration between Greve Municipality’s Traffic & Landscape department and Street Studies to create a safe environment for the users of the city’s tunnels. The team, together with the municipality of Greve and the residents in the local area worked on telling stories on the neglected tunnel walls.
Contact us to help you get going with a similar project.
our services are 100% based on NON-PROFIT PRINCIPLES
Meaning we:
work actively and passionately with UN’s SDGs
reinvest our net income from new projects within our mission statement
consume according to a strict spending-policy
engage in research to increase our overall understanding of and benefit to society and public spaces