Creative concept for:

Pieces for Palestine

“When walls divide, creativity connects”

Creative concept and teaching materials by Street Studies


Find all the Creative materials for the protest-graffiti workshops here!

It’s all gathered in one place for your convenience!



The project builds a community of young people in Denmark and young people in a Palestinian refugee as they follows the great political power struggle over the Palestinian territories.

As they engage in dialogues with selected experts, artists and activists, the young participants gain a versatile understanding of how the news flow is related to the historical conflict. As they meet skilled and experienced coaches in hip-hop culture, they develop tools and build up courage to take part in a nuanced debate about the current events.

The aim of the effort is to equips 200 young people in Denmark and Palestine to take on the role as frontrunners in spreading constructive awareness of the situation in the Palestinian territories. This is done by engaging in creative debate and performances and thus being catalysts for democratic debate.

Indsatsen samler unge i Danmark og unge i en palæstinensisk flygtningelejr i et fællesskab, der følger den storpolitiske magtkamp om de palæstinensiske områder.

I mødet med udvalgte eksperter, kunstnere og aktivister opnår de unge deltagere en alsidig forståelse for hvordan nyhedstrømmen hænger sammen med den historiske konflikt. Og i mødet med dygtige og erfarne coaches inden for hiphopkultur får de redskaber og opbygger mod til nuanceret at deltage i debatten om de aktuelle begivenheder.

Således klæder indsatsen 200 unge i Danmark og Palæstina på til at påtage sig rollen som frontfigurer i udbredelsen af konstruktiv opmærksomhed om situationen i de Palæstinensiske områder, ved at skabe kreative debatindlæg, performe og udbrede indlæggene og dermed være katalysatorer for demokratisk debat.

Projektet er financieret af CISU



Day 1

Roots and Symbols


Day 2



Day 4

Steps towards peace



For all the days



If you have any questions or requests, you are more than welcome to reach out to:



